By submitting a photo to the “FunnyPhotosContest”, you agree to abide by all of the following.
You must be the photographer and have sufficient permission from all persons and from the owners of all private property and trademarks appearing in the photograph before submitting the photo to “FunnyPhotosContest”. You grant to Funny Photo Contest LLC the nonexclusive right to store and display the photograph indefinitely on its web site and to use the photograph in all print and electronic media indefinitely.
Photo entries that are accepted by the Funny Photos Contest Selection Committee will not appear in the current contest, but will be displayed in a later contest. Photos will not be accepted if the content of the picture is lewd, lascivious, disrespectful to people of certain race, sex, religion, etc., or in any way objectionable. No full or partial nudity, libelous content, invasion of privacy, copyright or trademark infringement, or other inappropriate content is allowed. Nudity is defined as the full or partial exposure of the torso below the waist for all models, and above the waist for female models.
Enter as often as you like. Immediate family members of “FunnyPhotosContest” are not eligible to participate. The “FunnyPhotosContest” has the right to reject any unacceptable or unsuitable photos. Photos must be in .gif or .jpg format and no larger than 200kb.
Each month new contests begin every other week. One starts on the 2nd of the month and the other on the 17th. Photos that are accepted by the Funny Photos Selection Committee will be displayed in a later contest, not the current one.
There are threecontests. The primary contest for “Funny Photos” will display funny or amusing photos. The secondary contest for “Cute Photos” will display cute or unusual photos with the Funny Photos Selection Committee determining the appropriate category for each submission. The third contest gives viewers an opportunity to create a caption for the featured photo.
The winner of the “Funny Photos” $50 bi-weekly prize will be selected, by the FunnyPhotosContest.com Judges, from the FIVE photos receiving the most votes from website viewers. Every few days, the results of the voting will be displayed on the “Who’s Winning” page. At the end of each contest, the winning photo will appear on the “Winners” page. Each September and March, the winners from the previous six months will be judged and the winner will receive a $500 bonus prize.
The winner of the “Cute Photos” $10 bi-weekly prize will be selected, by the FunnyPhotosContest.com Judges, from the FIVE photos receiving the most votes from website viewers. Every few days, the results of the voting will be displayed on the “Cute Photos” pages. Each September and March, the winners from the previous six months will be judged and the winner will receive a $100 bonus prize.
The winner of the monthly “Caption Contest” will receive a $25 prize. Entries will be accepted during the first few weeks of the “Caption Contest”, until the specified deadline. Only one caption per person allowed. The winner of the best caption will be selected by filmstar Sacha Baron Cohen and the FunnyPhotosContest.com Judges. The winner will be announced at the end of the month.
The deadlines for voting in the photo contests are midnight on the 15th of the month and midnight on the last day of the month. Viewers may vote for only one photo, per page, per contest. If a photo receives more than one vote from a single person, votes for the photo will be disqualified. The deadline for voting in the Caption Contest is midnight on the last day of the month. Viewers may vote for only one caption, per contest..
You agree to hold “FunnyPhotosContest”, and their owners, managers, employees, and affiliates harmless against any liability arising from your use of this web site, your participation in the photo contest, or your compliance with or breach of these terms.
You agree to indemnify “FunnyPhotosContest” and their owners, managers, employees, and affiliates against all claims for copyright infringement; model, property, or trademark infringement; or any other cause related to your photograph, including but not limited to actual damages, statutory damages, punitive damages, and attorneys’ fees.
“FunnyPhotosContest” reserves the right to terminate or modify this contest at any time.
Rules & Terms – December 14, 2006
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