
Three Contests $100-$500 Semi-annual Prizes $10-$50 Bi-weekly Prizes

1) “FUNNY” Photos
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2) “CUTE” Photos
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3) “CAPTION” Contest
Judged by filmstar,

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Current Photo Contests Jan. 2nd – 15th,
Next Photo Contests begins Jan, 17th
Caption Contest Jan. 1st – 15th
Click for details

Welcome to FunnyPhotosContest.com.  This website has been created for your enjoyment and as you browse through the pages, we hope these photographs bring a smile to your face or perhaps a chuckle or even a laugh. 
If you like taking photos, you may want to join the competition and submit your best photograph to win a $500 prize.  This may be your lucky day.  So grab your camera, whether it’s an old favorite stand-by, a new digital camera, or merely a throw-way camera, to begin shooting photos at every opportunity. And use your creativity to enter the Caption Contest and write a clever caption for the featured photo.
Everyone knows that we all need daily exercise, but there is now evidence we also need daily laughter as well. So, whether you’re a participant or a spectator, you may want to bookmark this page to start each morning with a smile and to brighten your day.

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